Java Practice content

Java Practice Content to master the concepts

Core Java:

  1. Language Basics:
    • Syntax and semantics of Java language constructs.
    • Understanding keywords, operators, and control flow statements.
  2. Class, Variable, Method, Constructor Syntax:
    • Creating classes with appropriate member variables, methods, and constructors.
    • Understanding access modifiers and their impact on class members.
  3. Variable Declaration and Initialization:
    • Declaring variables with appropriate data types.
    • Initializing variables using constructors, initialization blocks, or directly.
  4. Variable and Method Calling:
    • Accessing instance variables and methods using object references.
    • Accessing static variables and methods using the class name.
  5. Types of Variables:
    • Understanding instance variables, static variables, local variables, and method parameters.
  6. Types of Methods:
    • Defining instance methods and static methods.
    • Exploring methods with return types and parameters.
  7. Array:
    • Creating, initializing, and manipulating arrays.
    • Understanding array operations like traversal, sorting, and searching.
  8. String:
    • Manipulating strings using various methods provided by the String class.
    • Understanding string immutability and the StringBuilder class for mutable string operations.
  9. OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming):
    • Understanding the principles of encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.
    • Implementing class hierarchies, interfaces, and abstract classes.
  10. Exception Handling:
    • Handling exceptions using try-catch blocks.
    • Exploring exception propagation and creating custom exceptions.
  11. Collections:
    • Understanding the Java Collections Framework (List, Set, Map, Queue, etc.).
    • Exploring common collection operations like iteration, addition, removal, and sorting.
  12. Multithreading:
    • Creating and managing threads in Java.
    • Understanding synchronization, thread communication, and thread pools.
  13. Java 8 Features:
    • Lambda expressions, functional interfaces, and method references.
    • Stream API for processing collections declaratively.
    • Optional class for handling potentially null values.

Advanced Java:

  1. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity):
    • Connecting to databases using JDBC.
    • Performing CRUD operations and handling transactions.
  2. Servlets:
    • Creating web applications using Servlet technology.
    • Understanding servlet lifecycle and handling HTTP requests and responses.
  3. JSP (JavaServer Pages):
    • Building dynamic web pages using JSP.
    • Integrating Java code with HTML for server-side rendering.

Spring Framework:

  1. MVC (Model-View-Controller):
    • Implementing web applications using the MVC pattern in Spring.
    • Creating controllers, views, and models for handling user requests.
  2. IoC (Inversion of Control):
    • Understanding dependency injection and inversion of control in Spring.
    • Configuring beans and wiring dependencies using XML or annotations.
  3. Security:
    • Implementing security features like authentication and authorization using Spring Security.
  4. Data JPA:
    • Working with Spring Data JPA for simplifying database operations.
    • Defining repositories, entities, and queries using Spring Data JPA.


  1. Gateway Service:
    • Building an API gateway for routing and filtering requests to microservices.
  2. Registry Service:
    • Implementing service discovery and registration using technologies like Eureka or Consul.
  3. Config Server:
    • Centralizing configuration management for microservices using Spring Cloud Config.


  1. JUnit:
    • Writing unit tests for Java classes using JUnit framework.
    • Understanding test fixtures, assertions, and annotations.
  2. Mockito:
    • Mocking dependencies and behavior verification using Mockito framework.
  3. Logging:
    • Implementing logging in Java applications using logging frameworks like Log4j or SLF4J.
  4. Swagger:
    • Documenting RESTful APIs using Swagger for easy API discovery and testing.
  5. Lombok:
    • Reducing boilerplate code in Java classes using Lombok annotations.
  6. FeignClient:
    • Implementing declarative REST clients using Feign in Spring Cloud applications.
  7. MySQL:
    • Working with MySQL database for data storage and retrieval.